brian smyth
Photo courtesy of FVRD

The honours funeral for fallen firefighter Bryan Smyth is being held today at Chilliwack Alliance Church.
Prior to the service there will be a procession beginning at 11am, and Hope fire chief Tom DeSorcy says firefighters from all over will be a big part of the parade.

“If it’s anything like any of the other ones I have been to, they’re very well attended.  It’s a very impressive display.”

DeSorcy says it will be a mix of emotion.

“Obviously it will be a very sombre, heartfelt event.  There’s also a lot of pride involved in something like this.  You’re proud of the profession you’re in and you’re proud to be a part of this…it’s part of why we’re there…But this hits home to every firefighter, be it a career firefighter or a volunteer one.  The fire service is a family and for us to get together to honour one of our brothers or sisters, it’s important. It has to be done.”

Smyth, a volunteer member of the Columbia Valley department, was fighting a blaze at a home near Cultus Lake on March 4th when he went into cardiac arrest.  He died in hospital a few days later.  He was only 57 years old.

The procession today starts on Chilliwack Central and will move down Young Road to the church for the 12:30 service.

Keep in mind, there will be road closures on the procession route between 10:30 and 2:30 today.