Photo is from the Fishing with Rod You Tube channel
Photo is from the Fishing with Rod You Tube channel

The popular Cultus Lake Pikeminnow Derby, which has been part of BCs Family Fishing Weekend in June each year, will be taking a hiatus this year while organizers look for another group to take over the reins.
The Cultus Lake Aquatic Stewardship Strategy took over on an interim basis two years ago, but chair Christina Toth says running a community event isn’t really their turf.

“It was a lot of work, and it was taking a lot of time and energy away from their main focus, which was to look at the environmental issues on Cultus Lake…so they felt it was outside of their mandate.”

Toth says they are more than willing to pass along information about sponsors, and play an advisory role to whichever group would like to take the event over.