Feel free to use this image just link to www.rentvine.comNext week there will be a new way to win with Star 98.3! If you’ve ever thought to yourself “I wish I could text Scott & Lisa to win a prize” then this is for you.  You won’t have to pick up the phone and talk to us if you don’t want to. We’ve partnered with Mr. Mike’s Steakhouse Casual and will have $50 gift cards to give away.

Monday morning we’ll have a trivia game for you to play, answers sent in by text (within 10 minutes of the question being shared) will have a chance to win. Here’s the number for you to plug into your contacts list: 604-795-5711

You text us…and have a chance to win…easy as that.

(And you can also text us traffic tips, morning greetings…or anything else you might want to share.)