(L-R) Langley Township Councillor Bob Long, Chilliwack Mayor & FVRD Chair Sharon Gaetz, MLA Laurie Throness, MLA Doug Bing, MLA John Martin, MLA Simon Gibson, EcoWorks GM James Siebert
(L-R) Langley Township Councillor Bob Long, Chilliwack Mayor & FVRD Chair Sharon Gaetz, MLA Laurie Throness, MLA Doug Bing, MLA John Martin, MLA Simon Gibson, EcoWorks GM James Siebert

As was the plan all along, the Experience the Fraser trail system will be expanding. Politicians from across the FVRD and Metro Vancouver were on hand today at Island 22, where MLA John Martin announced provincial support for the expansion.

“So today, I’m thrilled to announce a partnership between the BC Government, EcoWorks Landscape Services, and the FVRD.  Government is contributing in excess of $320,000.  That’s in addition to the $3.5 million the province has already invested in this trail system.”

James Siebert with EcoWorks says this will help put five previously unemployed individuals to work and give them some great job experience. These workers will be clearing trails, building footbridges and boardwalks, and putting in viewing platforms and trail signs. They’ve already replaced gatehouse at Island 22 as well. They’ll also get First Aid certification through this.
The Experience the Fraser Project is a 550km trail network between Hope and the Salish Sea…43% of the trails are already in place, and the project will build new connections for communities along the Fraser River.

The $320,000 from the province makes up around 70% of the total expansion cost. The rest will come through in-kind donations and from the local muncipalities and regional districts.