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This past Tuesday was the deadline for individuals, groups and municipalities to submit their written comments to the National Energy Board regarding Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion.
The City of Chilliwack sent in a 33 page letter, outlining their concerns about the project. Specifically they’ve pointed out five main areas of concern including protection of the Sardis-Vedder Aquifer and the socio-economic impacts of construction. The city is also quite critical of Kinder Morgan for being too vague during meetings.

“All of our concerns certainly have not been alleviated by Kinder Morgan and we will continue to ask for clarity”, says Mayor Sharon Gaetz.

She says there’s been little detail from the company about exactly HOW they will address specific concerns. The one thing she gives them credit for was agreeing to work around the Cheam Wetlands instead of going right through it.  She says there are still a lot of concerns, and she “wouldn’t want to be working for Kinder Morgan right now.”

The city says if there was a leak and it got into the aquifer, it would be a nightmare, and the company hasn’t made them feel any better about it so far. They’re also calling for improved public consultation, and the right to refuse construction on city roads.

You can read the entire 33 page letter to the NEB here: City of Chilliwack Letter of Comment to NEB August 18 2015


Meantime, last week the NEB released a list of 145 conditions that Kinder Morgan would have to meet in order for the project to go ahead. That included a detailed response plan in case of a major disaster at the Sumas Mountain Pump Station in Abbotsford.

The company is looking to twin its current pipeline, and nearly triple the amount of oil (including diluted bitumen) it transports from Alberta to Burnaby.