
The initiative Chilliwack Votes has been asking the six Chilliwack-Hope candidates a series of weekly questions about various issues in the lead-up to the October 19th federal election.  They have allowed us to post the candidates responses here.  Here is Question #8.

In light of the significant presence of Aboriginal communities in Chilliwack – Hope, and based on the riding itself being defined on unceded First Nations territories, how do you as MP build and/or maintain respectful relations that acknowledge the unique relationship of these communities to this land? What is your first step after October 19th to this ends?

Thomas Cheney (Green Party)

If elected, the Green Party of Canada will move to towards a nation-to-nation relationship with aboriginal nations. We will proactively recognize the aboriginal title and work towards co-management of traditional territories (like on Haida Gwaii). I believe the current approach to treaties based on extinguishment of aboriginal title is wrong and ultimately self-defeating. We should focus on achieving a prosperous and meaningful coexistence between settlers and indigenous nations. With the consent of indigenous nations, we will bring in self-government and abolish the paternalistic Indian Act. We will ensure that aboriginal communities have access to high-quality education and health services, not cut them to the bone. To honour the lives of the hundreds of missing indigenous women, we will hold a national inquiry as recommended by UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples James Anaya. We must make amends for the past.

Louis De Jaeger (Liberal)

As a proud Metis I have always embraced my heritage and have been involved in First Nations’ business for many years. Through my involvement with the Business Improvement Association, Sto:lo Business Connect, and Sto:lo Community Futures I have used these opportunities to champion the issues that are important to, not only First Nations but, the entire community of Chilliwack-Hope. I believe it is important to build bridges to connect our mutual interests and develop solid working relationships with the Leadership of both communities.
I pledge to build on our common interests to develop tourism opportunities, as well as fishing and treaty rights. I want to help foster shared business opportunities. I will make myself available to actively promote the businesses that touch our shared communities. I will be the Federal partner that Chilliwack-Hope needs.
After October 19th? I would build on what I’ve been doing…fostering relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Alexander Johnson (Libertarian)

We would immediately acknowledge the autonomy and sovereignty of Aboriginal communities and streamline land claims. No matter if it ends up in the hands of the Crown or the Aboriginal people, this issue needs to be dealt with right away. The Libertarian Party would also allow these communities to repeal any or all of the Indian Act as well as removing the Federal Government’s restrictions and obligations.
The best thing that the Federal Government can do is allow the government’s of the Provinces and the Municipalities to work with the Aboriginal communities on a solution that best serves all those involved. There’s no reason for a moderator who removes the necessity of amicability from the Provincial and Aboriginal negotiations to be involved in this process.

Seonaigh Macpherson (NDP)

The NDP has more First Nations candidates (23) than any other political party – with good reason. On October 20th, I will join Tom Mulcair and the first NDP government in Ottawa to welcome a new era in Canada’s relationship to its first peoples based on nation-to-nation respect and negotiation.
As a longstanding advocate of Indigenous rights, I will join an NDP government to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, to act on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission recommendations, and to call a public inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women in the first 100 days in office.
Recently, I’ve consulted with key local First Nations leaders to begin our work together. Local First Nations will find a reliable partner in myself and the NDP. Together, we can develop key services to give First Nations people a hand up and the youth a fair start

Dorothy-Jean O’Donnell (Marxist-Leninist)

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada has a programme to end colonial injustice and establish nation-to-nation relations with indigenous peoples. We also stand for a new constitution which eliminates privilege and affirms the rights of all, and for democratic renewal of the political process.
In this election we are working to Defeat Harper and mobilize the largest voting bloc of non-voters to affirm their claims by voting on October 19th. The first step after October 19 is to hold whatever government is elected to account. Through our website mlpc.ca we are addressing pressing issues arising in the election and working to establish Citizens’ Committees for Democratic Renewal.
As a lawyer who represents mainly poor and working class people in family matters, I see directly that the funding for social programmes, health and education for indigenous peoples is totally inadequate and see the need for a serious fight-back on this questions.

Mark Strahl (Conservative)

As MP, I will continue working to deliver real results for First Nations communities in Chilliwack and Hope.
Our government issued the historic residential schools apology and created the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to address that dark chapter of Canada’s history.
We passed the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, allowing grassroots First Nations members to have unfettered access to the audited financial statements of their First Nations Governments, including the salaries and expenses of their Chiefs and Councillors. We changed the law so that First Nations women living on reserve would finally get the same matrimonial property rights as women living off reserve. We have made significant investments in First Nations infrastructure and training for First Nations youth to prepare them for the jobs of the future, and we’ve given more control over land management to local First Nations to allow them to operate at the speed of business.


You can follow the initiative by checking out their Facebook page HERE