
Do any of your friends/family make the list? If so, expect some cool gifts this holiday season!

The gift giving season is upon us and we’ll all be looking out to see gets us what. The website is a gift-giving website and they’ve analyzed the names of people that are the most generous. Here are the names but you can read the full article from The Independent here:

Women: Rebecca, Karen, Julie, Sarah, Jane, Nicola, Amanda, Katie, Charlotte and Emma.

Men: Paul, David, Mark, Andrew, Chris, John, Michael, James, Richard and Daniel.

And just to provide a balance they also looked at the most *ahem* frugal names:

Women: Patricia, Diane, Gillian, Janet, Kerry, Heather, Anne, Hayley, Kim and Jackie.

Men: Adam, Lee, Ben, Steven, Martin, Ian, Matthew, Robert, Peter and Simon.


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