Statement from Mayor Popove on BC Supreme Court Decision

January 3, 2024


“I have tremendous respect for our justice system, but I cannot stay silent on the recent decision by the BC Supreme Court to grant an injunction to pause the provincial government’s legislation prohibiting drug use in public spaces.


“As the local government in Chilliwack, we have heard from concerned families about the impact of open drug use in areas frequented by children, and we are working hard to build a sense of safety and well-being for all populations in our community.


“As a City, we work closely with local service providers and public safety organizations to reduce stigma and make Chilliwack a safe place for everyone. However, ‘everyone’ includes families and children. Communities need support services for people engaging in substance use, and communities need safe spaces for children to gather and play.


“Our parks, playgrounds, and other recreational places need to be safe spaces for children to play and grow without exposure to substance use. As such, we respectfully ask the court to reconsider its decision and allow the Province’s legislation to come into effect. In Chilliwack, we want all residents to feel safe and have a sense of belonging. Establishing public spaces that families with children can use without exposure to substance use is an important piece of that vision.”


– Mayor Ken Popove

Filed under: bc, Chilliwack, decision, injunction, Mayor Statement, Supreme Court