May 17, 2023


Chilliwack, BC: The City of Chilliwack’s annual preparations for spring freshet are well underway. Every year, City staff undertake a number of activities to prepare for freshet, in accordance with the City’s Flood Response Plans.

As part of the annual program, crews have been mowing the dikes and completing regular dike inspections. City staff also regularly inspect the City’s pumps, floodboxes, and flapgates; review the City’s available equipment and materials; and review and update the Fraser River Flood Response Plan as needed.

The River Forecast Centre has issued a High Streamflow Advisory for the Fraser River, indicating that river levels are rising or expected to rise. Based on the forecast, some localized flooding may occur in low lying areas outside the dike, such as Carey Point. The public is advised to stay back from fast-flowing rivers, and avoid recreational activities such as fishing, swimming, boating or hiking near high streamflow rivers or streams.

Additionally, some low-lying areas may experience water entering basements due to rising groundwater table levels. Residents in these areas should review the steps they can take to minimize possible damage in the event the water table rises, such as having a sump pump and moving items off the basement floor.

Following the City’s Flood Response Plans for the Fraser and Vedder Rivers, staff continue to monitor provincial river forecasts, including 10-day flow and water level forecasts, and will take further action as necessary to keep the public safe.

“The City is ready for freshet, and there are important steps every household should take to make sure they are prepared, too,” said Mayor Popove. “Help keep your household safe and prepared by making an emergency plan, getting an emergency kit, and knowing where to find credible information during an emergency.”

Information about how to create an emergency plan, emergency kit, and grab-and-go bags is available on the City’s website at or For more information about flood protection in Chilliwack, visit or call the City’s freshet information line during business hours at 604.793.2757.

Filed under: Chilliwack, City of Chilliwack, flood response plans, fraser, freshet, preparation, prepare, River, river forecast centre, rivers, Vedder