The City of Abbotsford’s flag has made it to the final round of Canada’s Best Municipal Flag contest, held by Municipal World. Abbotsford’s flag was one of 64 contenders, is now up against Saint-Maxime-du-Mont-Louis in Quebec for the top spot and title of Canada’s Best Municipal Flag (complete with bragging rights and an undeniable amount of glory).

Voting is easy; simply visit , click on Abbotsford’s flag and hit done! The contest closes at the end of the month, and what better way to celebrate the BC Day weekend, than to also celebrate clinching the title of Canada’s Best Municipal Flag!

Fun facts about Abbotsford’s municipal flag:

Abbotsford is known as the “Hub of the Fraser Valley” and our flag symbolizes this. The gold disc and crossing of the blue bars represents Abbotsford, at the centre of the roads running through the Fraser Valley. The strawberry flower is the fraise of the Fraser clan, and is a reference to Simon Fraser, the namesake of the valley. The green background references the rich agricultural lands, meadows and forests associated with our great City.

Filed under: abbotsford, Canadas best municipal flag, flag contest