Our pet of the week is a little bunny named Renee.

Renee is five months old, is vaccinated for RHD and has just been freshly spayed.

Renee came into the SPCA’s care from a person who just had too many rabbits in his small apartment.

Renee is a very outgoing rabbit and is quick to trust her care giver. She loves to have hiding places set up so she can search for her treats.

She is slowly learning what a litter box is for, it will not be long before she is consistently using it for the proper reasons.

Like all rabbits, Renee enjoys a lot of time outside of her pen to explore and jump around, she would even do well with another bunny close to the same age.

If you have any questions about Renee, please call the Chilliwack SPCA at 604-823-6612 or if you would like to give Renee a forever home, please fill out an application:  BCSPCA Rabbit Adoption Application Form.doc (b-cdn.net)

Filed under: adopt, adoption, bunny, pet, rabbit, spca