Chilliwack, BC:  To reduce the negative health impacts from particulate matter during the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council has shortened the Fall 2020 burning season to October 20 – November 20, 2020. In addition to the shortened timeframe, burning with a valid burning permit may only occur on days with a “good” ventilation index.

In past years, burning has been permitted on days with either a “fair” or a “good” ventilation index. The change to allow burning only on “good” ventilation index days aligns with updated provincial regulations and means burning will only be permitted when the airshed is most capable of dispersing the smoke.

Open air burning is only permitted in agricultural and rural zones during approved burning seasons. Burning permits are required and will be available October 20. To avoid line ups at City Hall’s ticket windows, residents are asked to apply for their burning permits online at

“Chilliwack is a geographically large community that rural and urban residents call home,” said Mayor Popove. “As City Council, it is important for us to balance the needs of all of our residents. In light of COVID-19, it is still my hope that anyone who is able to compost or chip their material will do so.”

For the same cost as a burning permit, residents can drop off 880 pounds of yard waste at the Parr Road Green Depot. Residents on the City’s Curbside Collection Program may also place up to 10 additional bundles of branches or paper bags of yard waste out with their Green Carts each week.

For more information about open air burning, burning permits, and available alternatives, visit

Filed under: burning permit, Chilliwack, curbside collection, green waste, open air burning, parr road green depot, yard waste