Hervey Blois thought he won $50,000 playing PlayNow.com’s Cash Buster Extreme. It was only when he was having dinner with his sons that he realized there was an extra zero – he had actually won a half million dollars.


“I had been flipping through some games, started playing Cash Buster Extreme and originally thought it was $50,000,” says Blois. “My sons pointed out it was actually $500,000. I was dumbstruck.”


The retired veteran – who spent over two decades with the Royal Canadian medical services team – says he’s still in disbelief. However, he and his wife have at least talked about what they want to cross off their bucket list.


“We’ve had the fortune to be able to do some traveling, but one place I’d like to go is Scotland since that’s part of my mother’s history,” says Blois. “My wife also really wants to go to Italy too.”


Blois says he’s also eyeing some new parts for a classic car he’s kept in the garage.


“I’ve been restoring a 1959 Chevy Impala, and I’ve had it on the road a couple times but car parts for a classic car like that are often expensive. Now I might have some extra money to really restore it.”


Through PlayNow.com, BCLC offers socially responsible gambling entertainment while generating income to benefit all British Columbians. Remember, play for fun, not to make money. For more information, visit GameSense.com.