As a City, we are working hard to ensure our residents are aware of the current need to maintain physical distancing, while following all the orders of Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s health officer. We know that the next two weeks are crucial in flattening the curve and preventing the spread of COVID-19. During the upcoming weeks, please continue to stay home as much as possible and practice physical distancing if you must leave your house.


Over the weekend, our Operations Department received reports that the stairs at Teskey Way were crowded with people exercising. While it is great that so many people are out taking care of their physical health and enjoying our wonderful outdoor spaces, appropriate physical distancing must still be observed. Instead of closing the stairs, we have decided to implement a temporary one-way solution. As of today, the stairs at Teskey Way are designated up-hill only, enabling residents to continue to get outside and exercise in a safe manner that allows for the necessary two metres of space in between users. Signage has been placed at the stairs, along with a map demonstrating how to return to the base of the stairs using the trail alongside Teskey Way. We hope that this new one-way system will enable us to keep the stairs open and we ask everyone using the stairs to respect the signage and the one-way directions.


As we move forward into the next two weeks, the City will continue to modify operations and services in order to best serve the public while adhering to Provincial orders and guidelines. For more information about some of the changes we have already made, visit


Mayor Ken Popove

Chilliwack, BC