Date: May 21, 2019
For Immediate Release

Local Government professionals contribute to the well-being of their communities in a variety of ways, and May 19-25, 2019 marks Local Government Awareness Week.  This year, local governments in BC are planting a tree in recognition of local government professionals and their ongoing commitment to community service while also celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Local Government Management Association of BC (LGMA).

“We would like to thank the LGMA and BC Hydro for providing a tree that we can add to our tree inventory in recognition of the work our staff do behind the scenes to make Chilliwack a better place,” said Mayor Ken Popove.

At the 1919 Union of BC Municipalities Conference, a resolution was adopted establishing the Local Government Management Association of BC (then called the “Municipal Officers Association of BC”). For the past 100 years, the LGMA has worked to support the learning, leadership, and growth of local government professionals across the province.

LGMA is dedicated to supporting excellence in local government by providing high-quality practical training and resources. Every year the LGMA trains upwards of 1,500 local government professionals and has a membership of nearly 900 members.

To mark its 100th anniversary, the LGMA is working in partnership with BC Hydro’s Community Regreening Program to provide all local governments in BC with a tree they can plant to recognize the dedication, hard work, and innovation by local government professionals during Local Government Awareness Week.



(Photo provided by the City of Chilliwack along with the Press Release)

Filed under: Chilliwack, Tree Planting