Don’t give thieves a chance, do your part to lock out auto crime


2023-11-01 12:18 PDT

File # 2023 – Lock Out Auto Crime

During the month of October, the Chilliwack RCMP and Crime Prevention Services volunteers attended the parking lots of popular fishing areas within the City of Chilliwack. This pro-active response used the ICBC Lock Out Auto Crime program to bring attention to the increased number of thefts from parked vehicles during the recreational fishing season. The volunteers took note of any valuable items which were left in plain view of the vehicles. Commonly stolen items can include: loose change, tools or small electronics, backpacks and fishing gear.

Cpl. Carmen Kiener, spokesperson for the Chilliwack RCMP reminds the public that, Theft from vehicles is a crime of opportunity which can often be prevented. Something as insignificant as small change may lure a thief. The best way to protect your valuables is to keep them out of sight.

Of the two-hundred lock out auto crime notices which were issued, only forty-five of the vehicles checked, were observed following good crime prevention tactics. There is absolutely nothing punitive about the program, as it is simply intended to raise awareness and prevent auto crime. Special thanks to our hardworking Crime Prevention volunteers

Did you know that the Chilliwack RCMP has an Online Crime Reporting? Our online reporting tool is available 24/7 to report crimes that meet certain criteria.

Filed under: Auto crime prevention, Chilliwack, rcmp