October 30, 2023


Chilliwack, BC: The City of Chilliwack has completed the installation of a heat recovery system that will take waste heat produced by the Chilliwack Coliseum and use it to help heat the pools, hot tubs, and dehumidifiers in the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre.

This $945,000 project received a total of $700,000 in funding support. FortisBC provided $500,000 and BC Hydro, through the CleanBC program, provided $200,000. This project is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 55% and save more than $72,000 per year in energy consumption costs.

“One goal in our Corporate Climate Action Plan is to accelerate facility retrofits,” said Mayor Popove. “Thanks to support from FortisBC and BC Hydro, through the CleanBC program, and the Coliseum and the Landing Leisure Centre being neighbours, we were able to take a step in the right direction with this project.”

The energy recovery system takes waste heat from the Chilliwack Coliseum’s refrigeration system and sends it through 200 metres of underground piping to a heat pump in the Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre.

The City of Chilliwack has been selected as a Clean Energy Champion by BC Hydro for these energy efficient upgrades to the Chilliwack Coliseum and Chilliwack Landing Leisure Centre.


For more information about the City’s Climate Action Plans, visit

Filed under: Chilliwack, Coliseum, Emissions, Energy, heat recovery, Landing Leisure Centre, Reduce, Retrofit, Waste Heat