Looking for a fun craft idea for Halloween?  Turn your tin cans or toilet paper rolls into this cute DIY Halloween décor!

What you need:

  • Tin cans (doesn’t matter what size), washed and dried. Make sure there are no sharp edges
  • Scissors
  • Coloured Craft Paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Paint
  • Paint brushes


Tin cans:   Have fun colouring the cans and making fun Halloween characters. From monsters to Frankenstein to Ghosts and Dracula!    You can use the coloured craft paper and googly eyes to bring the characters to life!


Toilet paper rolls:  Follow the same steps as the tin cans or make Mummies!  To make Mummies, paint the toilet paper rolls all black.  Let dry and wrap gauze around the roll, leave a little space for the eyes. Glue on the googly eyes and you are done!