Upper Fraser Valley

2023-02-14 11:23 PST

File # 2023-5433

The Chilliwack RCMP are investigating multiple reports of seniors who have fallen victim to fraud after receiving phone calls from people posing as police officers requesting bail money for a loved one.

The bail scam involves fraudsters calling unassuming people (often seniors) advising that a loved one is in police custody and they require bail money in order for their loved one to be released. The fraudster tells the caller that he/she is a police officer and that money is required in order for their loved one to be released. They request either a money transfer or a meeting to receive the funds required to bail their loved one out of jail.

The RCMP want to remind the community that they NEVER solicit funds over the phone. If you receive a call like this, DO NOT provide the caller with any money or any information. Hang up and call your local detachment. Report the fraud to your local police as well as the Canadian Anti Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.

In 2022, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre received more than 90,000 reports of frauds. More than 56,000 Canadians fell victim to fraud, which resulted in a loss of $530 million dollars. This bail scam has recently surfaced in many Lower Mainland communities including Chilliwack.

It’s important for everyone to be aware of these scams so that they don’t fall victim to these fraudsters, says Sergeant Krista Vrolyk, media spokesperson for the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment. Many frauds go unreported to police as victims often feel ashamed or embarrassed. It is important for anyone who has fallen victim to report the fraud to police. That way, we can investigate to identify suspects and lay criminal charges and prevent others from falling prey.

For more information about this and other frauds, please visit the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre’s website Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca).

Filed under: bail scam, Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, fraud, rcmp, Scam, warning