The City of Chilliwack is proud to support and fund Pride banners in downtown Chilliwack for the month of June. These banners are in alignment with the Action Plan goal from the Mayor’s Task Force on Inclusiveness, Diversity and Accessibility (MTFIDA) to “Explore and identify funding opportunities to support inclusion, diversity and accessibility.”

“Although the downtown banner program is managed through the Downtown Chilliwack BIA, Chilliwack City Council would like to take this opportunity to unanimously support the decision to install Pride banners to celebrate Pride month in our community,” said Mayor Ken Popove. “One thing that became clear through the Mayor’s Task Force on Inclusiveness, Diversity and Accessibility was that members of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community regularly come up against barriers to inclusion. We hope these banners help demonstrate that everyone is welcome in Chilliwack, as we work towards our vision of an inclusive, diverse and accessible community where all residents have the opportunity to thrive.”


“The Downtown Chilliwack BIA is excited to be the first to have this series of banners installed within our community.  They will be a beautiful addition to the positive, changing landscape here in the downtown core.  They also represent the BIA values of providing a safe, welcoming, inclusive downtown and our commitment to the ongoing inclusive policies and education within the BIA and our community,” said Kevin Schroeder, President, Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association.


“Coming from a family with several members within the LGBTQ2SA+ community, my passion to bring this forward was fuelled through shared lived experiences,” said banner creator Justin Mallard. “I hope these banners serve as a powerful reminder for those who are struggling with their own identity that they are loved by their community for being authentically who they are.”


“Strong Indigenous representation was a critical component to my proposal and I was fortunate to have the opportunity to receive feedback from Tzeachten Chief Epp, who also sat on the Mayor’s Task Force on Inclusiveness, Diversity and Accessibility. Local Indigenous artist Bonny Graham (B.Wyse) created a beautiful two spirit design, accompanied by the word “Alwes”, which means “courage” in Halkomelem. Additional consultation with Tourism Chilliwack, the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce, and the Downtown Chilliwack Business Improvement Association helped shape these inclusive banners, while Teri Westerby’s strong connection to the LGBTQ2SA+ community and local advocacy, paired with his digital design skills, assisted in bringing the final design elements together,” said Justin Mallard.


The goals and action items outlined in the MTFIDA’s Action Plan were created based on the feedback of committees, community service providers, and those with lived experience in Chilliwack. Numerous statistics about suicide rates, homelessness, and lack of food security for many members of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community further demonstrate the continued need for increased inclusion efforts throughout Canada.


For more information about the MTIFDA Action Plan, please visit

Filed under: Banner, Banners, Chilliwack, Downtown Chilliwack BIA, inclusion, inclusive, Pride