March 25, 2022


Organic Art Installed in Six Locations in Chilliwack


Chilliwack, BC: Organic art pieces have been placed in six parks throughout the City. This style of art is made out of locally and ethically sourced boughs and twigs, and each piece includes metal clasping and a weather-resistant coating to extend their lifespan.

A total of 32 pieces, 12 large and 20 small, were commissioned from artist Nickie Lewis. The pieces have been be divided into themes at the various locations, including fantasy creatures, birds, bugs, sea creatures, and exotic animals. Pieces have been installed at Townsend Park, the Landing, Vedder Park, Salish Park, Central Community Park, and Yarrow Community Park.

The organic art concept was put forward for Council approval on March 16, 2021, following a recommendation by the Chilliwack Public Art Advisory Committee.

“Incorporating art into our parks is just one way to make our greenspaces even more beautiful and entertaining,” said Councillor Sue Knott, Chair of the Public Art Advisory Committee. “These whimsical pieces will delight park users without detracting from Chilliwack’s natural beauty.”

The Chilliwack Public Art Policy was adopted by Council in 2014. The purpose of the policy is to promote and facilitate the integration of public art throughout Chilliwack. To learn more about the City’s Public Art Policy, visit


(Photos provided by the City of Chilliwack)

Filed under: art in park, Chilliwack, organic art, parks