March 22, 2022


City of Chilliwack Launches Groundwater Education Campaign on World Water Day

Chilliwack, BC: Groundwater may be out of sight, under our feet, but its impact is visible everywhere. For World Water Day on March 22, the City of Chilliwack wants to make the invisible visible by raising awareness about our aquifers. To help remind residents about the important need to preserve and protect groundwater for future use, the City has launched a groundwater awareness campaign. Residents are invited to take the City’s groundwater quiz at by April 30 and enter to win one of a number of great prizes, including a water conservation kit, or recreation centre passes.

Groundwater is water found underground in aquifers, which are natural underground reservoirs. Groundwater feeds streams, rivers, lakes, and wetlands, and it is recharged by rivers, rain and snow infiltrating the ground. Pumps and wells are used to draw groundwater to the surface. The City of Chilliwack’s drinking water comes from groundwater in the Sardis-Vedder aquifer.

Drawing too much groundwater from our aquifer damages ecosystems in wetlands and rivers, and could negatively impact our drinking water supply. All drinking water, sanitation, food production, and industrial processes in Chilliwack rely on the health of our shared groundwater resources. It is important that everyone takes steps now to protect and conserve our groundwater to prevent a shortfall in the future.

“When we hear the term “water conservation”, many of us think first of summer watering restrictions, but it’s so much more than that,” said Mayor Popove. “While summer watering restrictions are critically important to follow, there are a number of steps we can all take year-round to preserve and protect our drinking water. Learning about where our water comes from and how we affect the supply of this finite resource is a great place to start.”

Information about groundwater, the groundwater quiz, and resources to increase personal water conservation are available at Hard copies of the quiz are available at City Hall (8550 Young Road) during business hours.


Filed under: Chilliwack, groundwater quiz, world water day