The City of Chilliwack is developing an Active Transportation Plan to improve the safety and accessibility of Chilliwack’s pedestrian network. The City is seeking feedback from residents about their experiences travelling through Chilliwack, including their usual method of transportation, barriers to using roads and sidewalks, and perceptions about the existing road and walkways at until July 31.


Active transportation includes any form of human-powered transportation, including walking, cycling, or rolling using a skateboard, in-line skates, wheelchair, or other wheel-based forms of human-powered transportation. The Active Transportation Plan is intended to move the community towards equitable mobility and pedestrian access.


“We have heard loud and clear that many residents face physical barriers when they move through our community,” said Mayor Popove. “I am grateful to the residents, and the members of the Accessibility Advisory Panel, who have taken time to share their stories with myself and staff so far. We need to hear from people with lived experience to understand how we can make Chilliwack’s pedestrian network more accessible.”


Residents can share their feedback with the City in several ways. The City’s online engagement portal,, has an interactive map where residents can place pins to identify areas for improvement, ask questions, and answer quick polls. Residents can also call 604.793.2907 or drop off written feedback at the City Hall drop box at 8550 Young Road.


After collecting and reviewing public feedback, staff will create the first draft of the Active Transportation Plan, at which time the public will have an opportunity to review the plan and provide additional input. To help build Chilliwack’s Active Transportation Plan, have your say at