May 25, 2021

Battery Charger Likely the Cause of Structure Fire


On May 25, 2021 at approximately 04:15hrs the Chilliwack Fire Department was dispatched to a reported structure fire, located in the 7000 block of Arnold Rd.

The occupant of the home had put his Recreational Vehicle battery on a charger to charge overnight. In the early morning, the occupant hears a noise coming from the attached garage and went in to investigate. The tenant witnessed grey smoke in the garage, called 911 and alerted other tenant’s in the home to evacuate.

Firefighter’s responded from Halls 1, 4, 6 and on arrival, the initial interior attack crew entered the garage and reported seeing heavy grey smoke within the garage and a small fire on a workbench where the battery charger was kept. Firefighter’s quickly extinguished the fire and proceeded with overhaul and salvage operations. The garage sustained smoke damage and minor fire damage to the immediate area around the workbench.

There were no civilian and or firefighter injuries. After the fire was extinguished and salvage and overhaul operations were complete, the tenants were able to go back into the home.

The lithium battery charger was charging a lithium RV battery and was likely the cause of the fire.

Chilliwack Fire Department recommends when charging a Recreational Vehicle battery, always follow the manufacturer safety instructions that come with the device. Never leave the area unattended when charging in case the battery overheats. Always charge the battery in a well-ventilated area. Charging batteries should always be done on a non-combustible surface and away from combustibles.

Filed under: Battery, Charger, Charger Fire, Chilliwack, Chilliwack Fire Department, Lithium Battery, RV Battery