This beautiful girl is Bailey.

Bailey is a 4-year-old Rottweiler/Bullmastiff looking for a wonderful, new home to call hers for the rest of her life.


Bailey came to the Chilliwack SPCA from one of the SPCA shelters up North. She has arthritis in her left hip and the original shelter was not able to find a vet that would be able to do the surgery that she requires to fix her mobility issues and have a pain free life in a timely manner.

Bailey’s surgery will be happening in the next week or two, so the shelter is looking to do a foster to adopt for Bailey until she is given the all clear from the vet. During a foster to adopt, Bailey will go to her new home, however the shelter is still responsible for all medical costs, as well as food and whatever else may come up.  The foster(s) will be required to transport Bailey to any follow up vet appointments that are needed after surgery, as well as follow all of the vet recommendations during her healing time and provide her with lots of love.

Bailey is such a sweet girl and loves being with people. She is very playful and active, cuddly and talkative, she is everything most people are looking for in a dog companion.  According to Baily’s previous owners, she is good with other dogs, however due to her current medical condition it would be best for her to go to a home that has no other animals or small children. This will help keep her as calm as possible, as well they know she will be in pain after her surgery, and they do not want to risk her reacting badly when she is not feeling well.

Bailey has never been exposed to small children, and has never been around cats, unfortunately the Chilliwack SPCA has not had the opportunity to test this. A calm home that is able to provide Bailey with a consistent routine would be the best for her.


If you know Bailey would make a great addition to your home and lifestyle, please fill out an application:

If you have any questions about the foster to adopt or Bailey herself, please don’t hesitate to call the Chilliwack shelter at 604- 823 – 6612.


Filed under: adopt, Chilliwack, dog, foster, foster to adopt, hip, pet, shelter, spca, surgery, vet