This handsome little boy is Milo.  Milo is a 7-month-old Coon Hound/Lab X.

Calling all breed savvy homes! Milo is looking for his forever family! Milo is a Hound mix and definitely meets the expectation. He loves to be busy and have a job to do! Whether that’s nose work for his dinner are learning a new trick!

True to his breed, he can be very vocal at times, either when left alone or when he is excited. He will need a guardian who is ready to work on his separation anxiety and give him the tools to become more confident. For this reason, the SPCA believes he would not suit apartment life, unfortunately.

Milo would also love a fenced in yard. He loves to spend a lot of time outside sniffing and exploring as he is still very much a puppy and has lots of puppy energy. This boy can run and play all day if you let him! The staff at the Chilliwack shelter have not had the chance to see him interact with other dogs yet, but his previous home said he is very playful and friendly with other canines! The SPCA also know he would prefer a home with no small animals (including cats) as he does have a high prey drive.

Milo knows basic commands such as sit and shake a paw but is still figuring out this whole walking on a leash thing. He can pull when excited and does much better if he has a chance to run a bit before the walk! Milo absolutely adores people and is always asking to say hi to everyone he meets. His tail does not stop wagging!


If you think this cutie pie is the one for you, please send in your online application!

Dog Adoption Application – Chilliwack | BC SPCA

Filed under: adopt, adoption, dog, pet, puppy, spca