The School Trustee by-election day is Saturday, February 13, 2021. The by-election is organized for the School District by the City of Chilliwack. The candidate nomination period is Tuesday, December 29 at 9:00 am to Friday, January 8 at 4:00 pm.


Richard Procee is running for School Trustee in the upcoming February 13th by-election. Richard and his wife Tera Hofstede have been operating Hofstede’s Country Barn for the past 25 years, employing many students and local residents. Tera and Richard have raised six children who have experienced firsthand the quality resources of our education system, giving them the courage and strength to flourish. Having graduated from McMaster University with a major in English and a minor in history and philosophy Richard fully understands the importance and benefits of a solid education.

Richard is very active in the Chilliwack community, supporting and funding multiple organizations such as the Chilliwack Chiefs, CSCL, CCS, Kiwanis, Rotary School Scholarships, Lions Club, Bowls of Hope, Ruth and Naomi’s, the Salvation Army, Ann Davis House, the Chilliwack Minor Hockey Association, and many other hard working charitable groups that are dedicated to the wellbeing of families and individuals. “My desire is to see our school board unified in purpose, building strong relationships while serving the mandate of public education. My strength is bringing balance and boldness to organizations. My intention is to help build a positive, successful and productive school board. Parents must feel confident that the Chilliwack School District is providing an excellent education tailored to their children’s character.”

Teachers need the resources to provide students with critical thinking while preparing them with necessary and relevant skills. Our educational system equipped with a wealth of resources will enable students to acquire the needed disciplines to succeed in our competitive world. Parents must feel confident that their children are pushed to their potential. Students will learn life skills navigating them into opportunities that will enhance their future and the community they live in. “I’m looking forward to serving our students, staff and the people of Chilliwack by bringing my skills and community commitment to the Board of Education.”

Richard is committed to a local education that informs, motivates and inspires.