The president and two vice-presidents of the Chilliwack Teachers’ Association (CTA) are applauding Jennifer Whiteside, the new Minister of Education, for appointing special advisors to the Chilliwack Board of Education.


“For three years, Chilliwack teachers have been calling for intervention by the Minister of Education,” states CTA President, Ed Klettke. “We are pleased with the recent announcement from the new Minister of Education and are hopeful to see changes in the conduct of individual trustees and the functionality of the Board as a whole.”


Klettke explained that the Chilliwack Board of Education has frequently been in the news for controversial statements made by several Trustees. These comments dampen moral and put a bad light on our schools. This has affected teachers, students and the broader community in an extremely negative way.


“Many members of our community and teachers have lost confidence in the Board of Education to consider the best interests of all students and employees. It is wonderful to finally see the Education Minister take action to look into the inner workings of the Board and to provide direction. Chilliwack teachers are hopeful that the special advisors will be able to empower the Board to conduct their work in a manner that is respectful to all partner groups.”