School provides students with much more than structured learning. It is a social outlet, a second home, and for some, a place to receive food when they are hungry. According to Chilliwack Community Services, approximately 600 children in Chilliwack come back to school hungry every Monday morning. To help address that, the Starfish Pack program was created to send home backpacks full of food for children and their families over the weekend during the school year. Without school proceeding as scheduled, these same children and families aren’t receiving the assistance they regularly rely on.


While some of us have been very fortunate to remain employed during the COVID-19 pandemic, I know many others have lost their jobs and could use some assistance. Over the past few weeks, people have been asking me about ways they can help others during this difficult time. After helping distribute hampers through the Starfish program, I wanted to share more about the program and challenge those of you who are able to support it.


Each week, Starfish program volunteers work to put together over 300 hampers of food. By May, they expect to be distributing close to 400 hampers per week. The approximate cost per hamper is $12, and the program needs donations in order to keep filling hampers each week.


I am issuing a Mayor’s challenge to raise funds for the Starfish Pack program. If you are fortunate enough to be in a position to help, I encourage you to donate to the program as part of my challenge. I’m throwing in the first $100 and hope you will join me!


Ways to donate:


Online at

Choose the Starfish program in the drop-down menu and write “Mayor’s Challenge” in the comment box.



Mail cheques to Chilliwack Community Services, 45938 Wellington Ave, Chilliwack, BC V2P 2C7 and indicate the donation is for the Starfish program through the Mayor’s Challenge.


In person

Drop off cash or cheque through the mail slot at Chilliwack Community Services on Wellington. Put “Starfish program, Mayor’s Challenge” on the front of the sealed envelope.


By phone

Call 604-792-4267 with credit card information.


Thank you, Chilliwack, for stepping up to the challenge to help others during this time.


Mayor Ken Popove

Chilliwack, BC