While some may find physical distancing and self-isolation to be a boring experience, for others this current situation can be much more serious. During a regular school year, over 850 children look forward to a warm meal through the Bowls of Hope program each day. And each weekend, the Starfish Backpack program provides food to 159 families. In addition, the Rotary Club of Chilliwack provides their Breakfast and Literacy program at four local elementary schools. With schools closed right now, many of those children are not having some of their most basic needs met.


I would like to say a special thank you to the community partners that are joining forces to ensure that school children will continue to be fed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting today, weekly food hampers will be prepared by the Chilliwack Salvation Army Food Bank, with the support of volunteers and community partners, including the Bowls of Hope Society, Starfish Backpack program (Chilliwack Community Services), the United Way of the Lower Mainland, all Chilliwack Rotary Clubs and the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce. The Chilliwack School District has arranged for hampers of food to be delivered to 23 school sites by volunteers and picked up by families with appropriate physical distancing.


During these difficult times, it is great to see our community come together and take care of each other. I am proud of these groups.


Mayor Ken Popove

Chilliwack, BC