In recognition of Logan Boulet’s Green Shirt legacy and his decision to give the gift of life through multiple organ donations, Members of the Upper Fraser Valley RCMP want to express their sincere thanks and eternal gratitude to everyone who registers to become an organ donor.

Their heartfelt appreciation hits home for these Mounties. Afterall, it was less than five years ago when one of their very own received the gift of life.


Constable Cathleen Falebrinza was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis in 2014. Following this diagnosis, Cathleen continued to serve her community as a Serious Crime Investigator only now she wore an oxygen tank to work and arrived toting a second tank which she needed to get her past lunch. Her health deteriorated and in November 2015, she required even more oxygen and it was no longer possible for her to work.

In August 2016, Cst. Falebrinza was officially listed on the BC Transplant registry as a potential recipient. In November 2016, through the selfless sacrifice and generosity of a registered BC Transplant organ donor, Cathleen received the gift of life – a double lung transplant. She was one of 40 BC residents to receive lung transplants that year.


When speaking of the decision made by a complete stranger to donate these precious organs which restored her health, Cathleen says, “I don’t think words can convey the gratitude in my heart. That decision saved my life. My donor is a part of me and a part of my life.”


The RCMP family is eternally thankful to BC Transplant and the donor and their family who made this possible. This organ donation and the subsequent double lung transplant has restored Cathleen’s health to a state that she is back to work as an RCMP investigator. She currently oversees Domestic Violence and Serious Crime investigations.


Supt. Bryon Massie, Officer in Charge of the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment says, “We couldn’t be more grateful to have Cathleen back! Her keen investigation skills, her dedicated work ethic and her incredible sense of humor are an absolute gift to us here at the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment. All this is possible because someone signed up to be an organ donor.”

Constable Falebrinza and the RCMP family at the Upper Fraser Valley Regional Detachment would like to use Green Shirt Day and the legacy of Logan BOULET to ask citizens to learn more about BC Transplant and organ donations by visiting the BC Transplant website:


It takes two minutes to register your decision online:



If you are not sure if you’re registered? Verify online with your Personal Health Number:



2019 Organ Donation & Transplant statistics and fact sheet:




BC Transplant monthly updated stats:




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