Chilliwack community partners joined forces today to ensure that children will be fed during the COVID 19 pandemic.  This initiative was developed by Chilliwack community partners, recognizing that food programs normally being delivered in schools through the Bowls of Hope Society, the Starfish Back Pack program of Chilliwack Community Services and the Rotary Clubs in Chilliwack, are affected by school closures.  The Bowls of Hope Program currently feeds 850 children a day and the Starfish Back Pack Program provides food to 159 families every weekend. The Rotary Club of Chilliwack provides their Breakfast and Literacy program at four elementary schools. The partners jointly stated, “During this critical time, it is essential that we ensure that children in our community are fed and that their basic needs are met.  In a spirit of collaboration and cooperation, we are dedicated to making sure this happens.”


Starting Wednesday April, 8, 2020, weekly food hampers will be prepared by the Chilliwack Salvation Army Food Bank with the support of volunteers and community partners including the Bowls of Hope Society, Starfish Backpack (Chilliwack Community Services), the United Way of the Lower Mainland, all Chilliwack Rotary Clubs and the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce.  These hampers will be delivered to 23 school sites by volunteers and picked up by families with appropriate social distancing, organized by the Chilliwack school district.  We also welcome community volunteers and donations for this initiative and contact information is included below.


In addition, there is a special call for food donations to support this program.  In preparation for the food hampers, there are certain items that are always needed and we welcome food donations Tuesday, April 7, 2020 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Salvation Army Church located at 46420 Brooks Avenue, Chilliwack. The following food items are needed:

·         500 mg peanut butter

·         Tins of ravioli, spaghetti and other canned pasta items

·         Tins of ham, chicken and fish

If you are not able to drop off these items at the Brooks location on Tuesday, please drop of at the Salvation Army Share and Care Centre located at 45746 Yale Road, Chilliwack during their normal business hours.


Thank you to Chilliwack for your ongoing generosity.


Here is contact information.


Program Coordination Information (To Volunteer, Receive Services or Get More Information):

Jane Ullyot



To Donate:


Shirley Triemstra, Fundraising, Coordinator – Chilliwack Community Services


Donate online at (designate to Starfish Back Pack Program)  or mail/drop off through the mail slot at Chilliwack Community Services

45938 Wellington Avenue

Chilliwack, BC

V2P 2C7


Partner/Media Contact Information:
Diane Janzen, Executive Director
Chilliwack Community Services
604-819-6627 (Cell)


Don Armstrong, Food Bank and Emergency Disaster Services Manager
Chilliwack Salvation Army


Cindy Waters, Executive Director
Chilliwack Bowls of Hope


Andrea Dykshoorn
Community Engagement Specialist
United Way of the Lower Mainland


David Manuel
Director of Instruction (Acting)
Chilliwack School District


Leanna Kemp
Executive Director
Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce


Michael Berger
Rotary Club of Chilliwack