Today we heard about a beautiful, long haired, brown tabby named Casey.

Casey was surrendered to the Chilliwack SPCA. Sadly, her owner had passed away and no relatives were able to care for her. Casey is 8 years young and in very good health.  Since Casey has such nice long hair, she is going to require a quick daily brushing to make sure that her fur doesn’t matt up. She is still kind of feeling her way around her temporary home (the shelter). Casey is very sweet and polite and loves nothing more than snuggles throughout the day. The home Casey came from was very quiet with not a lot of people going in and out.  The shelter staff and volunteers have noticed since Casey came to stay that she does not appreciate a lot of people around. She tends to go off to a nice hiding spot until only one or two people remain.  Casey would probably do well in a home with another older cat, but does not appreciate any kittens around her.

If you’d like to meet/adopt Casey, please contact the Chilliwack SPCA at 604-823-6612.

Filed under: adopt, adoption, Casey, cat, Chilliwack, pet, shelter, spca