Star 98.3 Kindness Crew Event - Pie It Forward with Natasha's Baked Goods!
by desiree.cabalfin on September 19, 2019, 03:09pm. PST
On Monday, September 23rd, the Star 98.3 Kindness Crew will be at Mark’s Chilliwack at 11am handing out delicious Pumpkin Tartlets from Natasha’s Baked Goods.
You can find her pies at The Town Butcher, Close to Home Grocery and Rosedale Grocery.
100 pumpkin tartlets will be given away, first come, first served, until they’re gone (and they won’t last long!)
The Star 98.3 Kindness Crew is presented by the kind people at Johnston’s Pork, Re/max Nyda Realty, Mark’s Chilliwack, Chilliwack Floors Carpet One and Vita Dental Wellness.
Kindness Crew Clothing provided by Mark’s Chilliwack,
Find out more on Natasha’s Baked Goods: