The BC SPCA’s Abbotsford Branch is seeking your help with medical costs to care for several stray cats, who were hit by cars.


Cedar is a handsome and affectionate two-year-old orange tabby, who will need surgery to remove a broken femoral head. He has an open wound on his tail caused by the impact when he was hit. Cedar required X-rays to assess his injury, is receiving pain medication and needs cage rest.


Hobbs is a 10-month-old kitten who sustained a traumatic injury to one of his back legs and will need to have an amputation surgery. He will need at least a month in SPCA care to recover. “Hobbs is such a sweet and brave kitty who has been purring the entire time he was being examined at the vet,” says SPCA Abbotsford branch manager Sarah Ringer.


Hattrick is a chatty eight-month-old kitten who has a broken leg. The vet recommended a cast and cage rest as the injury may heal on its own. If not, he will require an amputation.


Bendito is a three-month-old black and white kitten. X-rays revealed he has a fractured pelvis and is on cage rest to heal. He will need additional X-rays to determine if he will require surgery to have his pelvis plated. “Bendito is absolutely adorable, outgoing, and snuggly little kitten,” says Ringer. “Even on cage rest, Bendito will steal your heart – rolling on his back, purring, asking for pets.”


All four cats were found separately and brought in by Good Samaritans.


Cedar, Bendito and Hattrick are just four of the six cats the branch has taken in over the past two weeks that have been hit by vehicles. Another cat, Whisker, has already had surgery to remove a damaged leg and a kitten, Quinn received medical treatment but unfortunately did not survive.


The SPCA encourages cat guardians to keep their cats safely indoors or let them have access to an enclosed outdoor space, such as a catio.


Medical bills and associated care for these cats will cost about $11,462.

If you can help these cats and other animals in need at the Abbotsford SPCA, please visit or visit the branch at 34312 Industrial Way, Abbotsford, 604.850.1584.