On Thursday September 12 a large crowd gathered in a small corridor of the Medical Imaging Department at Chilliwack General Hospital for the unveiling of the new CT scanner.  The event was hosted by the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation (FVHCF), who raised $1 Million for the purchase of this life saving equipment.  In attendance where donors, local elected officials from all levels of government, Fraser Health Board members, FVHCF Board members and dedicated hospital staff.

“There are a lot of moving parts which come together to provide health care in the community” shared Manpreet Grewal, Fraser Health Board Member.  “At Fraser Health we so appreciate the partnership with the Foundation.  We appreciate the dedication of the teams who are working on the front lines, and we appreciate the community that makes this possible.”

Cal Crawford, Board Member for the Fraser valley Health Care called the Chilliwack community magnificent.  “Magnificent is the only way we at the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation can explain the reaction that Chilliwack and surrounding Communities had when we launched our CT scanner campaign. Each and every person we met with greeted us with warmth and had an open heart for our cause at hand.”  This was echoed by Dr. Madill “Chilliwack is a unique community in that we bond together to give the very best care for each other.”


It was explained by Bernice Oxley, Operations Director – Lower Mainland Medial Imaging, that this was the very first GE Frontier CT scanner to be installed in Canada, and that it represents cutting edge CT scanner technology. “This new CT is running 24/7” extolled Oxley.

The crowd was met with thanks and gratitude from the speakers including Liz Harris, Executive Director – FVHCF, “I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting and helping us raise the funds so we can have this piece of equipment and support Chilliwack General Hospital.”

If you would like to support the projects at Chilliwack General Hospital please contact the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation office at 604-851.4890 or at info@fvhcf.ca.

The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment and programs funded or endorsed by the Fraser Health Authority. They serve the communities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs, and funds raised for a community stay in that community.

Filed under: Chilliwack General Hospital, CT Scanner