Heavier fines for illegal dumping in the City of Chilliwack are now costing offenders hundreds more. Recently a resident reported an incident of illegal dumping to the City’s Bylaw Enforcement Department. As a result of their investigation and the evidence provided by the resident, a Bylaw Offence Notice Fine was issued to the offender in the amount of $500.


When City crews collected and properly disposed of the 180 kilograms of illegally dumped materials, the total cost to dispose of the waste at the Bailey Landfill was only $16. In July, Council increased the fines associated with illegal dumping from $200 to $500 per offence, the maximum under the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw, costing offenders significantly more than if they had disposed of their waste responsibly.


“It is Council’s hope that the recently increased fines will provide an effective deterrent to illegal dumpers, but gathering enough evidence is crucial,” said Mayor Popove. “This story had a positive outcome specifically because of the diligent efforts of a concerned citizen who knew what to look for and what to write down.”


If you witness illegal dumping, record as many details as possible. Take note of the day, time and location, write down the license plate number and description of the vehicle and alleged offender and take photos or video if possible.


The sooner reports of illegal dumping are received by the appropriate agencies, the more likely action can be taken. Visit chilliwack.com/stopdumping for a full list of the different agencies that respond to illegal dumping.