Rex is a young boy full of personality!   He is active, and loves to explore.   Rex loves his veggies, and enjoys having lots of space all to himself.   He doesn’t seem to be a fan of other rabbits, so being the only bunny in the home would be best for him.  Rex is still working on his litter box training, is almost there, however he  may require multiple litter boxes so he has options.  Rex is a Rex breed and his fur is very soft and has gorgeous markings.

**Rex has been vaccinated against the Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, his new family is being asked to be cautious on his behalf though as it is a rather new vaccine. It is still ideal to keep him protected from potential exposure.


If you’d like to adopt Rex, please contact the Chilliwack SPCA at 604-823-6612.

Filed under: adopt, adoption, bunny, pet, rabbit, spca