Agassiz, British Columbia – Residents are being notified of the potential for high water conditions as the 2018 freshet is causing rapid changes to the Fraser and Harrison Rivers. The District is continuing to work with the Kent-Harrison Emergency Program Coordinator and Emergency Management BC, as the Province closely monitors the water level conditions to further determine next steps. As water levels are expected to rise over the next two weeks, this notice is issued to inform the community of the potential for high water conditions that may impact area infrastructure, property, and loss of life and animals.

What You Should Do Now:
• Use extreme caution near all watercourses, especially the banks of the Fraser and Harrison Rivers
• For information on river levels, visit the provincial River Forecast Centre website:
• Be prepared in case of an emergency. Ensure your family has an emergency kit ready with basic supplies such as food, water, medications, toiletries and important personal documents (insurance, emergency contacts, etc.)
• Consider moving valuable items to upper floors of your home
• Sand and bags are available at the Community Recreation & Cultural Centre at 6660 Pioneer Avenue (604-796-8891). Please only take what you need, and bring a shovel with you.
• Stay connected for up to date information, visit the District of Kent’s website:
If an Evacuation Alert or Order is issued, they will be hand delivered door-to-door.
If you are unsure if you are in an alert area, please check the District’s website link as provided above.


Evacuation ALERTS have been issued for the properties below. At this time there are no evacuation orders.


930/630 Appel Road


471 and 552 Caignou Road


8213 Cuthbert Road


5880 and 5908 Cutler Road


6785 Hayward Road


4381, 4467, 4473, 4479, 4483 Limbert Road


695, 724, 735, 833 Tuyttens Road


7062 Whelpton Road


5926 Whorely Road.

Filed under: agassiz, flooding, Kent