Well we had one of the best rests of the trip, last night in Hat Creek, with the babbling brook and crickets just outside our cabin. So that means we are ready to get back on the road.  The kids on the other hand would prefer to stay but, all be it kicking and screaming, we shoehorned them back in the car and headed south through the canyon.

This time we stuck with the ipad to keep our sanity and occupy the kids, even got to check out the river and stretch our legs while we made one of a million pee stops. While this made for an enjoyable drive south, we almost missed our Cruise with Shoreline tours.  It was just about to back off the dock when we come running down the gangway…I am sure all the other tourists loved that!  But our daughter is cute so all was forgiven.

Even though this was only a two hour tour it went by way to fast. The views of the mountains, waterfalls, and amazing cabins we just spectacular! And the kids loved exploring the wheel house, and the top deck…even tried their hand at the helm.  That being said once the boat started to head back to Harrison we turned into the wind and that’s when the fun really started.  We posed for the mandatory Titanic flying photo and the little one grew a mustache!  Even though she was getting over her cold the snot bubbles were still flowing and the wind made quick work of that…add in her hair blowing around and voila! Instant baby mustache!  YUMMM!

But enough of that! Once back on dry land we jumped on one of Jamie’s Quadra Cycles and thoroughly explored the Village and the hot springs along the water. At one point we heard a car behind us while we were on the main drag so we went as fast as we could since there was nowhere to pull over for a block.  When we did the car passed us and it turned out to be the Police!  I asked him how fast we were going….30 or 50.  He said 3! Ha ha.


Well the day was getting late and so we finished the evening with dinner at the Black Forest Restaurant for some great German style cuisine. Well mom and dad eat the food…the little one just threw everything and the oldest didn’t eat anything!   Unfortunately we didn’t have time to hit the hot springs but we will have to save that for next time. Now we will spend the rest of the night in bed injoying the unreal view from the Harrison Beach Hotel.

Thank you Tourism Harrison, Shoreline tours, Jamie’s Quadra Cycles, The Harrison Beach Hotel and of course O’Connor RV for action packed day. Don’t forget to enter the code HARRISON LAKE for your chance to win your family the same Road Trip Adventure

Filed under: road trip