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Photo from Facebook

Martha Wiens served admirably on the Chilliwack school board for 25 years, before passing away last month at the age of 90.  One of the people looking to fill that seat in the upcoming by election wasn’t even born when Martha was first elected.
18 yr old Megan Praat just graduated from Chilliwack Secondary in June, but she’s no stranger to serving in the community, and certainly doesn’t lack experience.
She was the student body president at CSS last year, was actively involved with the PAC, and various fundraising committees. She also feels she has a good grasp on the district budget.

“I was on the budget committee last year with school board, and so I’ve become pretty familiar with the budget and the necessary steps, what needs to be done to make sure there’s enough money to go around.”

She’s hoping that being younger, she can offer a unique perspective on the school board.  She says there’s a bit of a disconnect between what’s needed in schools and what is being given, and she believes she can help with that, having been a part of the school system so recently.

Megan says she’s going to be spending a lot of time on social media drumming up support. She’s also currently going into the business program at UFV.

The by election is coming up December 12th. If you’d like to run, you have until Friday at 4pm to submit your nomination form.