
Taylor is well known for her awkward dance moves – now she’s put a name to it:

Her dance moves at Award Shows have become synonymous with the awards themselves – that fans took to tumblr to find out what exactly the move pictured above could possible be called. Her dance moves have their own tumblr page in fact, Awkward Taylor Swift dancing.

So what is this dance move called? Leave it to T-Swift to come up with a name for it:

The Mom-Croon – (noun) A dance move invented at the 2014 Grammy Awards. To sway, perform, and sing along to a song in an extremely emotional or sentimental way, possibly incorporating hand gestures. Eyes closed, lost in the music. The way your mom gets taken away by a tune from her high school days, glass of red wine in hand, shuffling around the room as her teenage kids roll their eyes in disdain. Cynics may judge the Mom-Crooners (MC’s as they are commonly referred to in the dance world) as it is a form of dance only perfected by those willing to be absolutely swept away by the feels you get when you hear a certain song. Those who know how to Mom Croon cannot see the eye rolls of haters. They have reached a level of musical transcendence that is hater-proof. Once you perfect the mom croon, you are truly free.

Used in a sentence: “Oh look, Taylor’s being embarrassing again– just mom-crooning away in the corner by herself because Sometimes by Britney Spears came on. Oh God. Now she’s crying.”