chwkvotesThe new website will be up and running at some point this week. Sam Waddington says it’s not only a place where you’ll be able to learn more about the local federal candidates, but a place where you can also keep up with them during the campaign.

“We’re going to be issuing them a question per week and they’ll be answering that question, all in the same format.  Then the communities can compare the candidates side by side and see where they stand on different issues.”

He says all 5 Chilliwack-Hope candidates have agreed to take part.  The Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce usually holds candidates meetings, but Waddington says they will work with them on those, and help to fill in the gaps.  They’re also in talks with the Sto:lo Resource Centre about a possible forum.

Waddington says this election is not just a case of voting for the person whose party you like the best.

“Chilliwack and Hope are going to have to decide at what level they want their candidate to bring Ottawa to Chilliwack or take Chilliwack’s needs to Ottawa.  It’s always a balance to find the candidate who can ride that line well….we need to make sure we’re properly represented on the federal stage, as opposed to just having Ottawa’s policies come here.”

He says he agrees with a recent comment from an reporter at the True North Times last week, who said the candidates need to be talking more about issues that matter to young people IF they want more young people to vote.  He says one of their weekly questions will tackle the issue of student debt load.

As mentioned, the site will be up this week, but until it is, they also have a Facebook Page you can access.