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The City of Abbotsford and UFV have been developing a plan for the future of the U-District neighborhood, a 365 acre plot of land including the university and the surrounding area.  This week they released a 67 page report on their feedback so far that includes 7 key concepts.  

-Create a Compact, Transit-Oriented Neighborhood
-Bring the Community and Campus Together
-Support Neighborhood Life
-Support Learning Everywhere
-Integrate Agriculture and the Natural Environment
-Demonstrate Innovation
-Manage Parking

The area’s population is expected to grow from 3200 to over 5600 by 2040, and that’s going to mean some challenges in terms of development.  They’d like to make it a mixed use neighborhood with better walkability, better transit options and better parking.  You can check out the plan at  There will be more public consultation this fall, and it’s hoped the plan will be in the hands of council and the UFV board of governors by December.