mcphersons-headshot_webThe federal election campaign officially started on August 2nd, but the 3 main parties have had candidates set in the Chilliwack-Hope riding since last year. The NDPs Seonaigh MacPherson says despite the fact the Conservatives have more money to spend, she doesn’t think that means she has to campaign more aggressively. She says the best way to turn voters in the riding is to meet with them face to face.

“Fortunately, we don’t have to be aggressive, because it’s really more of a movement than an election, from our point of view.  Mark Strahl and his party can post all these huge billboards and ads, but I believe people are much more informed and intelligent, and they’re looking for substance. Mark Strahl has yet to appear at any public event (with the other candidates)…I’ve never met him.  I’ve met the other candidates multiple times.  So if that’s their (Conservatives) view of democracy, we seem to be winning.”

She says there seems to be a shift in thinking in this area, and that she’s met a lot of people who have been staunchly Conservative, that say they won’t be voting Tory this fall.