salvation armyThe Chilliwack Salvation Army is running a summer camp called Kids Games from August 17th to 21st and they’re encouraging people to register.

Organizer Josh Bohr says kids will get a chance to try out a variety of sports.

“For example the Chilliwack Mustangs are going to be coaching lacrosse, we’ve got Sun Hang Do martial arts academy coming to teach martial arts, we’ve got some guys from Friday night basketball coming to teach basketball to the kids. At the beginning of the week the kids select one of those sports and they’ll get about five hours of specific coaching over the course of the week in that sport.”

Bohr says apart from getting sports coaching, kids will also get life coaching.

“We want to teach the kids how to grow and function as individuals but also as part of a larger community. We’ll be talking about the values of trustworthiness and humility, hard work, and specifically we want to ingrain in every kid the reality that they have a purpose and they have a reason for living and a reason for existing. We want them to leave Kids Games feeling valued and confident in their place in their community.”

The camps are open to anyone, but they’re keeping the cost down to 25 dollars to make it affordable for lower income families. You can contact the Chilliwack Salvation Army for more details.