food prep pic free pixabymight be all about a return to an old fashioned approach to food and food prep/waste. Growing up, all parts of fruits and veggies were used. Brown bananas were turned into baking. Apples from the tree in the yard were small and had blights but were still usable for applesauce. Even with a fairly ‘hands on’ approach to food in my youth, I was still very citified. I still remember just a few years ago being surprised that not all cucumbers are straight!

So many cost saving kitchen habits seem to have been lost. Granted it can be due to lack of time and energy…but maybe there’s also been some cooking know-how lost too?

Food costs have been rising…and are probably the easiest to spot in our daily lives. (That and gas prices, right?)

What ways have you started to save money and cut down on food costs?