
Can your sense of smell indicate the longevity of your life? Scientists seem to think so.

We’re all told that our lifespan is dependent on things like diet, exercise, smoking, and drinking–but what if it all really boils down to your sense of smell? A study published in the Annals of Neurology found that older people’s ability to identify smells could be directly linked to their longevity. When 1,169 senior citizens took a 40-item scratch-and-sniff test, those who scored lower were up to 45 percent more likely to die within the next four years. “The increased risk of death…was highest in those with the worst smelling ability, even after adjusting for medical burden and dementia,” lead author Davangere Devanand said in a statement. Read more about it here in a report from The Huffington Post.

What is your best sense and why do you think so?

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