

een feeling a little down lately? Well we have all heard the expression ‘you are what you eat!’ Well now, it can mean, we feel what we eat! Let me explain!

There is new research linking a person’s mood to what they are eating, they have done studies on this, MORE studies!

Some food to eat to be happier:

Fruits and Veggies, not only do you feel good about yourself when you eat healthy, you will just feel better! They did a study, with people who kept food journals, and those who regularly ate more fruits and vegs, tended to be happier people!

And with that veggies thing, Mushrooms! Shrooms are rich in the mineral selenium and research has linked a deficiency of this mineral (which doubles as an antioxidant) to a higher risk of depression, anxiety and fatigue.

And one I am SUPER pumped about, coffee! They have linked regular java consumption with positivity!

Sweet, I will never feel bad about my coffee habit again!

Check out the full list HERE


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