People protesting planned dike raising disrupt city council meeting
by Staff on April 8, 2015, 07:04am. PST
There were some awkward moments at city council in Chilliwack yesterday. A group of people protesting a planned raising of the East Dike on Fairfield Island delayed the council meeting not once, but twice. First they brought their placards into council chambers and were told to leave….it was a bit awkward because one of the lead protesters is the Mayors brother. Then RCMP were called in to talk to them when the group started chanting and drumming in the hallway and interrupting the meeting for a second time.
The group says they weren’t allowed to appear as a delegation before council and they want to have their side of the story heard. The city is raising the dike on Young Rd by 1 metre to offer more protection for residents and businesses in the event of a record high water level on the Fraser. People there not only think the work is unnecessary, but are concerned what it will do to sightlines and property values, and they’ve threatened the city with a $2.8 million lawsuit.
Even councillors Chris Kloot and Ken Popove think the money would be better spent extending the West Dike on Cartmell Rd instead. Both the city and the residents have put out videos explaining their sides.